Types of Electrotherapeutic Modalities: Which One is Right for You?

Hearing the word of electrotherapy it may sound like a very painful thing. But it is a commonly used modality in the process of rehabilitation for your recovery and well-being. According to a survey more than 5 million people feel pain in their body on each day. That compelled healthcare professionals to take steps in this regard. Where physical therapy and rehabilitation worked a lot in this regard and number of rehab center in Lahore are there for this purpose. .

Moreover, the addition of electrotherapy in the process of rehabilitation provides individuals with countless benefits in regard of pain modulation, that is affecting body functioning and quality of life up to the mark. In this blog, we are going to know the types of electrotherapeutic modalities and how NBR clinic, Best Rehabilitation Center in Lahore is exceptional in providing quality electrotherapy services. 

What Happens in Electrotherapy

Electrotherapy is a technique employed in the process of rehabilitation and physiotherapy. In which physiotherapists use electrical stimulation to treat different body issues.

And make the body resistant to future discomforts. Because electrotherapy works well in maintaining body circulation, reduction in pain, process of healing, maintaining physical functioning, and activation of muscles. A large number of the population is finding the use of electrotherapeutic modalities useful due to countless indications. 

What are the Types of Electrotherapy?

There are different types of electrotherapy that depend upon the use of techniques and instruments we use for it. They vary in their benefits and outcomes as well. 


It is one of the commonly used types of electrotherapy in which physiotherapists use transcutaneous signals of electricity to treat different body issues. These electrical stimulations is actually beneficial for pain treatment.

The modality designed for this process is equipped with a portable device due to that we can use it for the treatment for both normal and chronic pain treatment. Moreover, moreover,

Dr. Riaz Ahmed is treating arthritis, pelvic pain and sports injuries with this electrotherapeutic modality at NBR Clinic Lahore

Electrical Muscle Stimulation 

The second type of electrotherapeutic modality is EMS which is unique in its process of running and outcomes as well. In this type of electrotherapeutic modality, physicians send electrical signals directly to muscles. Due to this continuous contraction of muscles happens. This type of electrotherapeutic modality is useful for the treatment of muscular atrophy and helps in the activation of muscles. Moreover, people who want to increase the strength parameters of their muscles use this type of electrotherapeutic modality. 

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation 

Cranial electrotherapeutic stimulation is the third important form of electrotherapy. People who want to get instant results from their process of electrotherapy use this modality to treat. This type of electrotherapeutic modality actually works to treat disorders of the brain. Experts of rehabilitation centers transmit signals of electricity to the hypothalamus. Where these signals work to maintain the level of neurochemicals to maintain the functioning of the brain. After getting this type of electrotherapeutic modality you can get rid of depression or anxiety as well. 

Interferential Electrotherapy Stimulation 

Interferential therapy is another type of electrotherapeutic modality to treat different body concerns through the signals of electricity. Physiotherapists of NBR clinic are using it for the treatment of chronic pain management.

Its mechanism of action is the same as what happens in TES. two types of electrical signals have been used in this type of therapy. They both interfere at the place of discomfort to modulate it. Patients who want to get circulatory benefits, healing process or control of swelling use interferential electrotherapy stimulation. 

Functional Electrical Stimulation 

To handle all the kinds of concerns regarding movement physiotherapists of NBR clinic are using functional electrical stimulation. They apply it to the skin to reach up to the nerves.

To regulate the movement of a particular body part these electrical signals promote the contraction of muscles. Patients of spinal cord injury or stroke are compelled to take this type of electrotherapeutic modality to regulate the body’s functioning

Microcurrent Electrotherapeutic Modality   

One of the latest types of electrotherapeutic modalities is MET in which we use low-voltage currents with minimum frequency to regulate body functioning. Conditions we treat with it are inflammation and swelling.

Which it is useful in pain management as well. The voltage of it is thousands of times less as compared to other types of electrotherapeutic modalities. However, patients are getting beneficial outcomes from it. 

Which one should i take?

All these types of electrotherapy are similar to others in many ways. That works to normalize the mechanism and functioning of the human body. If you want to get electrotherapy for pain relief TENS, IFT, and MET are prescribed to take.

Because in these types of electrotherapeutic modalities electrical signals are imparted in the body to block the neural transmission of these signals of pain to the brain. 

In that way, our mind cannot detect the sensation of pain. Moreover, if you are facing problems like inactivation of muscles, electrotherapeutic modalities also work well in that regard.

To treat such kind of issues we are using EMS, NMES, and FET at NBR clinic. These electrical signals promote the contraction of muscles are improve their flexibility. Besides this, if you are suffering with the symptoms of anxiety or depression CES is perfect to use in such scenarios.

 That is also renowned as transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation. Its mechanism of action happens by the use of an electrical clip to maintain the level of neurochemicals in the brain.

Now if you are thinking which one is right and trusted and should choose to treat my problem, it depends upon your individual needs. Understand your goal of treatment and budget then have consultation with experienced staff of NBR clinic a best Rehabilitation Center.

To book appointment or get consultation you can contact on Facebook or Instagram.


What are electrotherapeutic modalities?

Electrotherapeutic modalities are some particular types of machines that physiotherapists use to treat different body concerns with electrical signals. 

What are three common types of electrotherapeutic modalities?

Some commonly used types of electrotherapeutic modalities are CBT, EMDR, and art therapy. 

What are the types of electrical signals?

Some of the common types of electrical signals are EMS, NMES, TENS, and FES. These all are used by physiotherapists to treat different types of body problems and they provide targeted treatment for which they are designed. 

What is Esteem Therapy?

These are some types of electrical signals that are being used to treat different muscle issues. These signals promote the contraction of muscles and helps them to relax and be active.