Frozen Shoulder Treatment in Lahore

Frozen shoulder is the most common disorder in which your shoulder’s range of motion becomes restricted and painful. Adhesive capsulitis is another term used for a frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is mainly caused by thickening, inflammation, and stiffening of the shoulder joint capsule which is the strong connective tissue that envelops the shoulder joint.

The term “frozen” shoulder indicates the perception that you make use of your shoulder less as it becomes gradually painful. A lack of use causes your shoulder capsule to stiffen and become tough to use. Your shoulder consequently feels frozen.

We’ll help you to explore the causes, early symptoms, and best treatment for frozen shoulder treatment in Lahore.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder:

  • Injury to shoulder
  • Neck pain
  • Sudden jerk to the shoulder
  • Paralysis /stroke
  • Mastectomy
  • Bad sleeping posture
  • Diabetes
  • Heart conditions
  • Parkinson’s disease

Stages of Frozen Shoulder:

There can be different stages of frozen shoulder that people observe. Here we are going to discuss all the types of them. Like how are they different and how we can make treatment of them.

Freezing and acute phase: This is the painful stage in which there is gradual development of shoulder pain that may remain for 2-9 months. The pain is intense when at rest and rises up when one moves too much their shoulder.

Frozen and stiffing phase: Pain begins to reduce, and the capsular pattern develops that gradually loses Glenohumeral mobility. Only at the most extreme points of movement can pain be felt. This stage could start at 4th month and last for 12 months.

Thawing and resolution phase: The range of motion in the shoulder starts to increase. This phase lasts for 5-24 months.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Limited range motion progressively
  • Severe night pain
  • Capsular pattern development (External rotation > Flexion > Abduction > Internal Rotation)

If you’re not being able to move the shoulder while healing after a shoulder injury, broken arm, or stroke is one of the most frequent reasons of frozen shoulder. See the best physiotherapist in Lahore about exercises that can help you keep your shoulder joint mobility after any injury that limits your shoulder range of motion.

Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder
The role of physical therapy in restoring shoulder mobility in an Adhesive capsulitis is very important. The treatment method used in physiotherapy management:

Heat and Ice Therapy

As explained earlier heat pack is used to relax surrounding muscles and the cold pack reduces the inflammation and the swelling around the shoulder joint.


Ultrasound is a basic modality in pain management because it helps to reduce all inflammation by acting as an anti-inflammatory effect and it also works as a Micro massager for the deep adhesions in the shoulder joint.


A little electrical current is used in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), which is used to manage pain. By stimulating sensory nerves and activating the pain gate mechanism, TENS relieves symptomatic pain.

Hot Pack

Uses of The hot pack in physiotherapy management acts as a muscle relaxing because it reduces all the tightness and relaxes all the surrounding muscles of the shoulder joint that can be tightened due to restriction in the mobility of the shoulder joint by applying hot pack we use our relaxation effect and it also acts as a pain management method.

Dynamic Cupping

This is the most effective way to relax muscles and other soft tissues by the mechanism of compression and decompression of muscles that reduce all the stiffness of muscles. It also enhances blood circulation in the shoulder region.

Mobilization / Manipulation

This is the most effective method to break all the adhesion from the joint because, in a frozen shoulder, there are huge chances of adhesion and stiffness formation within the joint that reduce shoulder mobility.

Progressive Mobilization

Has the best results in increasing the range of motion of frozen shoulder joints. It is best to apply the mobilization technique with the scapula stabilized and glides given with accurate traction.

Precautions / Care

This means modifying or restricting the movement of the affected joint so that soft tissues around the joint should not get more stressed or inflamed. Here are a few precautions.

  1. Don’t lift too much weight on the affected shoulder
  2. Do not put Your body weight during sleep on an affected shoulder
  3. Do not overuse affected shoulder
  4. Do all the exercises according to a physiotherapist


A frozen shoulder is a challenging condition that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. However, with proper understanding, early intervention, and a combination of treatment modalities, patients can find relief and regain mobility. By following precautions and lifestyle adjustments, individuals can manage their symptoms effectively and work towards a healthier, pain-free shoulder. If you want to get frozen shoulder treatment in Lahore, Dr. Riaz Ahmed at NBR clinic is proving quality services. Get a free quote and you can contact via Facebook and Instagram as well.


Which therapy is best for frozen shoulder?

Physical therapy is a very important part of frozen shoulder surgery recovery that helps maintain the range of motion recovered in surgery.

How to sleep with a frozen shoulder?

Extra pressure on a tender area can delay healing and increase pain. Instead, aim for a sleeping position that’s kind to your shoulder. The back or the unaffected shoulder can be good places to rest. A pillow tucked between your arms can offer that extra support.

To Book Appointment or get consultation you can contact on Facebook or Instagram.