Dry Needling Therapy Clinic in Lahore

NBR clinic provides the quality services of dry needling to treat pain and movement issues related to myofascial trigger points.

In this process, our qualified experts insert a thin needle very close to that trigger point. These needles work to stimulate our muscles by which they twitch or contract. That is regarded as a targeted approach to improve your range of motion.

When muscles in our body get overused muscle fibres do not provide enough blood supply, and this causes energy crises. Muscles do not get adequate nutrients and physiotherapists of NBR conduct this process of dry needling to meet the nutrients and energy needs of the body that let them perform normally.

Services Offered by NBR Clinic

Benefits of Dry Needling Therapy

Pain Relief and Improved Functionality

Our dry-needling therapy services are designed to reduce tightness and pain in overused muscles. It is a process of deactivating trigger points and alleviating pain. And it is good for people with sports injuries and muscle spasms.

Enhanced Mobility and Range of Motion

By reducing joint stress and tightness our services of dry needling therapy help to enhance mobility and range of motion. Those who want to get quick recovery from surgery, it is a targeted treatment for them.

Accelerated Recovery from Injuries and Surgeries

Dry needling activates the natural healing process of the body and recovery from injury or surgery accelerates immediately. It reduces the involuntary contraction of muscles and works to improve functional movements.

Choosing the Right Dry Needling Therapy Center

Consideration of Location and Accessibility

To meet your needs for manual therapy services, make sure to select a clinic near to your location. That ensures your ease of regular attendance and access. Check out the facilities of public transport, parking, and wheelchair-friendly places.

Researching Clinic Reputation and Patient Reviews

Before trusting anymore to deal with your health concerns get about his clinical reputation and patient reviews. Know about the effectiveness of his treatment by reviews. And select one with maximum positive reviews.

Consultation and Assessment Process

We understand the importance of thorough consultation and an assessment plan. As the best physical therapy and rehabilitation center we understand all your specific needs and conditions and design a treatment plan accordingly.

Qualities of the Best Dry Needling Therapy Centers

Why NBR Best
Dry Needling Therapy Clinic in Lahore

NBR stands out as the best dry-needling service provider in Lahore. The procedure of them is considered safe and inexpensive.

That is performed by expert physiotherapists with a low risk of complications. We ensure the relaxation of your muscles by dealing with trigger points that works to improve your range of motion and flexibility.

We are working with a team of qualified and experienced staff to create a positive experience for clients. If you also want to benefit from quality dry needling therapy services, make sure to get it from Dr. Riaz Ahmed at NBR Clinic Lahore.


It works to decrease muscle tightness, increasing of blood flow, and reduce pain. It is a type of targeted treatment that gives immediate relief after a session.

It is prescribed to have complete rest after dry needling. Make sure to take plenty of water and sound sleep after it. Avoid doing workouts for at least 4 weeks after dry needling. But have gentle movement to have blood circulation.

Dry needling eliminates nervous responses and promotes the process of homeostasis. By which you will get the central and peripheral sensitisation to pain.

Contact us for our services,
or to arrange an appointment