Sciatica Physical Therapy Treatment in Lahore by NBR Clinic
Sciatica is a condition of severe pain and irritation due to discomfort and injury in your sciatic nerve. Besides pain people may observe numbness and tingling in their back as well. At the start, it happens in your back and after a while, it starts to move downward and legs. It is the most initial symptom, people observe different symptoms of it with the severity of it.
The sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest nerve in our body. That is a bundle of nerves which are in the spinal cord. And there are two sciatic nerves on both sides of the body. That ends up just below the knees.
Suffering from sciatica means feeling severe pain in your lower back, hips, buttocks, and legs. If you are also suffering from sciatica, feel free to have sciatica physical therapy treatment in Lahore by Dr. Riaz Ahmed at NBR clinic.
Symptoms of Sciatica
There are two types of sciatica actually and symptoms of it vary with its type. The first one is true sciatica which happens due to any direct injury in any part of your body.
On the other hand, the second type is conditions like sciatica. It includes all the other conditions due to which your sciatic nerve gets affected. Some most common symptoms people feel during the condition of sciatica are:
- Pain due to pressure in the sciatic nerve. Or it may be the type of eclectic shock or burning feeling. Once it gets started with your back then goes down to your legs as well. That mostly occurs during the lifting of something.
- People also observe feelings of tingling or needles in their legs. It is some type of feeling when a part of your body falls asleep. Another major symptom being observed in people with sciatica is numbness. It is the condition when you don’t have any kind of sensation in a particular part of your body. Or that sensations do not reach to brain.
- Muscles mostly get weak in patients with sciatica. Muscle command in sending signals to their destinations also gets weakened.
- Urinary inconveniences are another major symptom in people suffering from sciatica.
Causes of Sciatica
There are several causes due to which sciatica can happen in the human body. Some of these are:
- Herniated discs
- Tumors and cysts
- Pregnancy’s Injuries
- Foraminal stenosis
- Spinal stenosis
How Physical Therapy Treats Sciatica
Physical therapy involves strengthening and stretching of your muscles that are good for treating sciatica. Physical therapists are providing lifestyle modifications now that are helpful to have long-term solutions for sciatica.
If you are also suffering from sciatica, Dr. Riaz Ahmed at NBR clinic is providing personalized treatment to help you in treatment. He is providing a complete rehabilitation program for the treatment of sciatica. Which includes:
- Manual therapy techniques for reduction of your nerve compression.
- Join mobilization and some targeted techniques that are good to help you build mobility and flexibility.
- Forward bending and backward moving exercises to promote normal movement of your body.
- Gait training that helps to correct your body postures. That is a major contributor to the treatment of sciatica.
- Hands-on movement on sciatic nerves. That includes the message of your legs and lower back. That is a proven method for the treatment of sciatica.
- Nerve glides are also good for reducing the symptoms of sciatica.
Physical Therapy Exercises to Treat Sciatica
At the NBR clinic, we are providing a complete exercise program for the treatment of sciatica. There are several exercises we are providing here to help people move back to life and well-being. Some of these are given as:
Glute Bridge
To do this exercise for the treatment of sciatica lay your back on the ground. Keep your knees folded and feet straight on the ground. Make sure to have it hip width apart. Allow your arms to keep straight and your hands on the ground.
Keep the back light lifted from the ground and the belly button towards the spine. Press arms towards the floor and you should have a goal to keep your body straight from head to knee. Keep it moving for 10 minutes and once a day for sure.
The second most effective exercise for the treatment of sciatica is clamshell. Lie on the ground from a side and keep your knees bent. And engage your core and belly button towards the spine. Keep your feet together and hold your legs like a clamshell.
Keep your body straight during this process. And continue to do this process for 4 to 5 minutes. And once in a day for two weeks. After regular practicing, you will observe a remarkable difference in your physique.
Why NBR Clinic?
NBR clinic is the best place for the treatment of sciatica for people of all ages and with the condition of every stage. That is led by an experienced professionals in physical therapy. With his extensive knowledge, and customized care people get effective treatment and long-term relief.
He is using advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment for the treatment of sciatica. Due to quality services and tailored solutions, people are getting 100% satisfaction in the treatment of their concerns by physical therapy. If you also want to have Sciatica Physical Therapy Treatment in Lahore, make sure to visit the NBR clinic in DHA Lahore.
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How long does physical therapy take for the treatment of sciatica?
In physical therapy, we work to treat the problem from its root causes. Therefore, treatment of sciatica by physical therapy takes up to 4 to 6 weeks on average.
Does physical therapy also prevent to return in the future?
In the rehabilitation program for the treatment of sciatica, it includes some lifestyle modifications. That goes long and prevents the returning of sciatica.